When your mind rests - the world also rests
Posted on 23rd May 2022 at 13:11
How is this possible? When there is much turmoil and disruption all around us how do we find peace in this world?
Mindfulness! It provides access to this, to rest your mind and be present. To strip it all back and be with what’s here for you today. Can you take a step back - be aware of awareness itself!
I struggle with feeling overwhelmed. I let myself jump on board that train of overthinking too many a time and of late found myself back there again. Has this been helpful? No!
Trying to control what’s outside of this moment consumes energy and again we lose time. Sometimes longing for things so much that sadness takes over and there appears no way out.
To want something, to be somewhere else - this is important and valid. But getting caught up in the future isn’t helpful. We can’t satisfy everything all at once.
Only when we rest our minds do the answers come. Allow yourself some rest from the world, it’s OK to take a break. Switch off the TV, put down your phone and just take a look around you.
When we think about working, when is it that ‘work’ actually begins?
When does your work day commence? When you open your eyes? And the never ending to-do list starts scrolling through your mind? Or on the drive in to the office?
How would it feel if your work day began when you actually arrived at work and not a moment before?
Of course the thought has to be present to take action but would it not be nice to enjoy waking up, having breakfast.
Noticing the beauty right in front of you?
Really noticing the warmth of your morning coffee. The aroma as the hot water infuses. Just purely getting enjoyment out of the little things in life? As said by Jon Kabat-Zinn - ‘The little things? The little moments? They aren't little.’
Don’t miss the little things in life, I myself see it now, they indeed become the big things. Cultivate a bit of awareness and see what’s in front of you today!
It is possible to rest your mind despite the outside noise.
All you need is a moment - for that is all we have.
Tagged as: mindfulness
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