Anxiety: Might Sound Crazy, But Have You Become Addicted To It?
Posted on 7th October 2024 at 01:45
Fear was the main culprit of my health anxiety, taking over most days. Fear is such a powerful emotion and can have a huge effect on the mind and body. With my anxiety, I thought building up all this fear was keeping me safe. It wasn’t. It doesn’t.
It’s likely you have felt fear on some level. Fear of an upcoming test or exam, a job interview. Fear of the unknown, of what’s to come. Fear following trauma. On top of our own daily pressures and natural anxieties the constant fear the media imparts doesn’t help. Sometimes the cup overflows, and fear takes over. But it doesn’t always have to feel this way. A persistent feeling of fear is an overwhelming place to be. Feeling frightened all the time, it consumes you and stops you being.
The important thing to remember is that we feel fear; we are not fear. Fear is an emotional response to a definite threat. When you suffer with anxiety, however, you feel under threat much of the time, creating a fear of whatever it is you’re anxious about. This may be health anxiety, social anxiety, specific
phobias. Eventually, fear can cause anxiety, and anxiety can cause fear. Fear can seem everlasting if not managed. The good news is you can overcome this immense fear. With practice we can manage our feelings and thoughts. Mindfulness and meditation have enabled me to work through this and sit with these feelings; in time being able to see the thoughts rather than allow them to consume me. I now know I am not those feelings of fear, and they don’t need to stay long term. We know that what we pay attention to grows. But remember, our minds are so powerful, we can choose what we focus on. When feeling fearful, you focus on this emotion, the panic, thus in turn generating more fear and anxiety. Then more anxiety and fear … you see the pattern. When overwhelmed you can’t differentiate between the feeling and the thought. By slowing down, meditating, it helps you watch these thoughts instead, it’s quite amazing.
Find out how I can help you.
Read more on my website, or in my book ‘Desperate to be Loved’
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