"Your habits are not only actions that influence your identity, but by virtue of their frequency they are usually the most important ones."  
– James Clear 
Habits take hold of us all, from time to time: some beneficial and some not so helpful. However, since it takes roughly sixty-six days for a habit to become automatic, if you want to change a habit, or implement a new one, you will need to spend a couple of months on it in order for it to stick. This is why courses in mindfulness are usually over eight weeks – and why many other beneficial health services and courses are offered over a similar period, too. This is so the brain has time to learn the new behavioural patterns which then become natural. Apparently, it’s said that we often give up right before we take off, so hang in there and remember, everything takes time. Small changes make a big difference over time. 
We go through life trying to fit in, yet rarely surrendering to where we are and how we feel. Pushing down our feelings and desires. Not saying how we feel out of fear and then slipping into a way of being. It may feel safer to hold on to patterns of how life served you once before, but to grow and connect fully to who you are it’s important to be aware of the habits which aren’t doing you any favours. Often, we don’t even realise which bad habits we have embedded, again sucked into keeping up; never pausing for breath we roll into the next day and time slips by. When taking time to observe a little more, rather than be consumed with all the thinking and doing, we get to take in so much more around us and this is where the new habits begin. 
Fully embrace the moment every once in a while, and defer the list in your mind. 
"When you let go of what no longer serves you, you create space for what’s meant to be." – Anon 
Make space for you. 
Get in touch if you’d like to see how I can help you. 
Read more on my website, or in my book ‘Desperate to be Loved’ 
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